Hi Everybody! I'm Michelle Rivera. I'm happy to see a lot of familiar faces in 422! I was born and raised in The O.C. I attended Arbolita and Sierra Vista Elementary schools and Washington Junior High. In fact, all of my schooling took place in public schools there, with the exception of a brief detour to Fort Worth, Texas where I attended a private Catholic high school for the first couple of months of my senior year in high school (long, highly dramatic story!!). I returned to Orange County and graduated from Sonora High School. I lived in L.A. for a couple of years and then moved down to San Diego and completed my BA degree at SDSU with a Psychology major and a minor in Social Work. I will be entering the Teaching Credential program here at CSUSM in the Fall.
I am definitely a MAC person, and could never voluntarily go back to a PC! I think the MAC is much more user friendly, and since I love to work with programs like Photoshop, iMovie, Garage Band, etc., there is so much more fun stuff you can do on the MAC. I rely on technology daily, and would be lost without my computer, email and cell phone in particular. I am currently using the 2004 version of Microsoft Word for MAC.
The mission statement of CSUSM/COE appeals to me because of the focus on inclusiveness and educational equity for every student. I like the fact that the mission statement is an integral part of each class in the COE and that the ideals presented within the statement are reinforced in the curriculum. I am looking forward to applying the concept of including multiculturalism in every aspect of the curriculum as a teacher in my own classroom.
Michelle! I think it is important for the inclusiveness to be a part of the curriculum. I am glad you are a MAC person, so I will know who to ask if I have any extra questions =) It sounds as though you should breeze through the class.
I would like to hear about your drama during senior year; I also have a story to share. You and I followed the same track at SDSU and almost crossed paths there by just two years. I admire your confidence with technology and hope to achieve that myself during this class. You will have no problem in the classroom!
Hi Michelle!
I too am glad that you're a mac person! Thank you already for helping me last night with photo shop! I hope to someday be able to know how to use programs like photo shop, imovie and garage band. Like you said, I'm looking forward to learning how to incorporate multiculturalism into my curriculum. I'm happy we have this class together!
Michelle, sounds like you are one of the few MAC experts in this class! These EDU classes that we have taken will definitely help you include multiculturalism in the classroom. From what I saw last semester, you are very motivated to be an excellent teacher!
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